s09e07: Face to Face, starring Jessica Morris "The Jesspen episode + Nancy"

Recorded at Rogaland artcenter, 3 september 2017

This is the first Lunken Kaffi that is in the language of English.. I meet Jessica after work, where also Nancy the dog is present. We start of talking about the role og Nancy in the Studio17 board, the secret facebook page for boardmembers, Line Dalmar Anda and emojis, Jessica's english, the difference between australian accent and New zealand accent, Flight of the conchords, Rhys Darby and other New Zealand actors, Hansi, norwegian and english words for girlfriend/boyfriend, Jess and Hans wedding talk, a wage "how Jess met Hansi story", Savage lovecast, sex talk, masturbating technics for men I learned at sex-ed, the no masturbation rule in the army, Studio17 promotion, Stavanger Expats, Jessica's first time in Stavanger, Jess reads from Stavanger Expats facebook page, LUNKENT BEKJENTSKAP/LUKEWARM RELATIONSHIP, people that think im gay, manspreading, SELVSKRYT/SELF BOASTING, the baby pigeons living inside the building, Jessicas greatest fear, Jess is really into dogs, Morris projects, Just Morris, switching horoscopes, JEssica reads horoscopes from Jerkstrology, people think im a stoner, drunkenbolt, drunkard vs stoner, how we are as drunk, , holding speeches at Studio17, what gifts to give the artist on openings, single club dares, strange places to have sex, agelimit and old men at Cardinal, Lukewarm coffee singing to Benny Benassi - 'Satisfaction, and then we finish the episode with soundchaos.

Happy listening!